Kamilo Beach Coastline Trash Removal
Aloha, and mahalo for reading!
If you are unaware there are 5 gyres on this planet that currently hold an unbelievable amount of plastic, breaking them down into smaller and smaller pieces until they are microscopic and in some areas of the ocean outnumber plankton 1000 to 1 and that study was from over a year ago. Plastic never "goes away", so we should all stop using singles use plastics and fight for change in the production of products, packaging and transition into a more sustainable society. If we don't we are looking at more plastic in our oceans than fish by 2050 and that is something that non of us want.
Here on the Big Island of Hawaii we are collecting plastic on beaches from ocean currents all around the island, even in some of the most remote and hard to reach locations. Hawaii is now in the outer zone of the Great NW Garbage Patch made up mostly of plastics. On the southern part of the Island of Hawaii is Kamilo Beach and an area of coastline where tons and tons of plastic has and continues to wash up. It is heartbreaking to see first hand all the plastic and know how beautiful and clean this area once was. We all should to start by cleaning our areas, recycling and reusing what is already made and put a stop the production of a product could kill us all in a seeable future..
Here in Hawaii some of us are working together to clean up what we can, spread awareness and get more people involved in the solution; earthFirst Hawaii has been holding cleaning projects on a weekly basis since October 2017 and we have been currently cleaning some ocean debris from Kamilo Beach every month. Here are some pictures our cleaning projects from Kamilo thus far:
Thanks to:
Shawn Draime, Daniel Christenson, Boce Cubitt, Tatiana Zimmer, Dustin Derreck, Geronimo Lluberas, Sam & Debbie Fowler, Garth & Debra Wheeler, Cameron Hines, Adam, Pete Fitch, Pam McBride, Donna Owens, Phobe Albert, Steven Archer, Deanna Young, Chelsea VanAuden, Gina Marie, Cecilia Burgess, Molly M Martinez, Chris Upp, Milon & Kiyoko Townsend, Aleska Ambrosini Buivydas, and anyone else who takes their time to help clean up this mess.
*Without these people and their efforts this would not have been possible!
"Working together for a cleaner planet."